
A Complete Care For You



07300 423752



43 Lancaster Street Leicester LE5 4GD

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Providing The Care You Deserve

At SM Lifecare, we prioritize our patient's health and well-being, and we strive to provide compassionate care with exceptional results.

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Our Core Values

Icon Person Centered

At SM LifeCare, our core revolves around you. We are committed to a person-centered approach that recognizes your individuality, respects your preferences, and tailors our services to meet your unique needs. Your journey to well-being is as unique as you are,.

Icon Dignity

Dignity is the cornerstone of our philosophy at SM LifeCare. We believe in upholding the inherent value and worth of every individual. Our services are delivered with the utmost respect and consideration. And treated with the dignity you deserve.

Icon Compassion

Compassion is at the heart of everything we do. Our team at LifeCare is driven by a genuine desire to make a positive impact on your life. We approach your well-being with empathy and understanding, creating a supportive environment where you feel heard, cared for, and truly understood.

Icon Quality Care

Quality is non-negotiable at LifeCare. We are dedicated to delivering services of the highest standards, employing experienced professionals and utilizing evidence-based practices. From personalized health plans to mental wellness programs, our commitment to quality ensures that you receive the best care possible.

Icon Collaborative Approach

At SM LifeCare, we believe in the power of collaboration. Our team works seamlessly together, drawing on the expertise of professionals from various fields to provide you with comprehensive and integrated care. We collaborate with you, involving you in decision-making to ensure that your care is a joint effort.

Icon Community Impact

SM LifeCare extends its commitment beyond individuals to the community at large. We actively engage in initiatives that make a positive impact on the well-being of the community. From outreach programs to educational events, we believe in contributing to the health and happiness of the broader community we serve.

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About Us

SM Lifecare

  • Empowering Lives, Restoring Wellbeing, Together

    We empower individuals through the Recovery model, delivering evidence-based support and therapeutic interventions in community and home settings to enhance physical and mental well-being. Our comprehensive services include domiciliary and personal care, ensuring regulated quality through the Care Quality Commission.

SM Lifecare

Who are we?

SM Life Care is a dynamic organization established to address the unmet needs of individuals and families affected by ill health. Our dedicated team is committed to providing person-centered support with a strong emphasis on recovery and holistic well-being. We are trusted provider of comprehensive support services, specializing in domiciliary care, personal care, and medication support. Our organization was built upon the expertise and passion of our management team, consisting of a psychologist and social worker. With their extensive knowledge and experience in the field of mental health, we are well-equipped to provide comprehensive support to those in need.


24/7 Support

We are available when you want


We have been recognized for our commitment
To excellence in lifecare.

Highly experience and friendly care team.

Regulated by care quality commission England(CQC)

Self funded, Direct Payments, individual Budget and social services funded clients

Flexible care arrangements and night sits available

24 hour care service

Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT)

Some Reviews

Of our clients


"Lifecare is a true lifesaver! Identify and address potential health issues proactively. This comprehensive approach ensures a healthier life. Invest in your well-being today."


"Seamless lifecare integration into your life. From fitness plans to nutritional guidance, this website provides support in every aspect of your well-being. Experience the ease of holistic care."


"Invest in your future with lifecare. This website offers preventive measures and personalized attention for long-term health. Make a wise choice for your well-being journey."


Don’t Let Your Health Take a Backseat!

Schedule an appointment with one of our experienced medical professionals today!

What People

Usually Asked

What services does SM Lifecare provide for personal care?

SM Lifecare offers a range of personal care services, including assistance with daily activities, medication management, and specialized care plans tailored to individual needs.

How can SM Lifecare help me maintain a healthy lifestyle?

SM Lifecare promotes a holistic approach to health, offering services that cover physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Our caregivers work with clients to create personalized plans for a healthy lifestyle.

Is SM Lifecare available 24/7?

SM Lifecare understands that care needs can arise at any time. We provide round-the-clock services to ensure you have the support you need, whenever you need it.

How does SM Lifecare ensure the safety and security of its clients?

SM Lifecare prioritizes the safety of its clients by conducting thorough background checks on all caregivers, implementing strict security protocols, and utilizing technology to monitor and enhance safety.

What is SM lifecare, and how does it differ from traditional healthcare?

SM Lifecare is a comprehensive approach to healthcare that addresses the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of individuals across all stages of life. Unlike traditional healthcare, lifecare focuses on preventive measures, personalized treatment plans, and holistic support.